This area can accommodate up to 24 children.
The routine in this area is more structured as we prepare children for school. It follows the EYFS Framework and each staff member plans daily activities in accordance with the 7 areas of learning and development.
There are set times during the day when the staff lead children in groups for stories, songs, musical activities and an audio visual time. The children benefit from cooking activities, messy play, outdoor play, and free play. As children continue to play, the staff observe and monitor each child’s progress and development.
We use the Letters and Sounds method to teach the sound, shape and formation of letters through songs.
Various themes are covered during the year such as: people who help us: healthy living: transport: animals etc. This enables the children to become more aware of the environment and community in which they live.
Each child has the opportunity to develop their computer skills using suitable educational software and the internet.